DEAR ABBY: Last month my boyfriend, "Mack," broke off our live-in relationship to be with another woman, who was supposed to be my friend. I'll call her Lois. Lois said she feels bad about it, but that doesn't heal my broken heart.
I recently discovered that Mack has given me a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that can cause cancer. He and I talked on the phone one evening, and I asked if he and Lois had slept together yet. He refused to answer. When I asked him if he had told her about his STD, Mack was adamant about not wanting to discuss it.
The following morning I called Lois and asked if I could come over because I had something important to tell her. Talk about being nervous! I was a wreck, but weathered it. I explained everything I knew about the situation. Lois told me Mack had said nothing to her about any STDs, and told me she would ask him about it.
Later that night, I got a call from Mack. He was madder than a wet hen! I feel I did the right thing by telling Lois because he didn't sound like he would. After all, he never told ME he had an STD -- I found out from my gynecologist. Now Mack claims he didn't know he had an STD, and I'm wondering if that's true or not.
Someone told me I could sue Mack for giving me this life-threatening disease. Tests can be given to determine how long he's had it. Should I sue him, Abby? I am angry because he jeopardized my life when he supposedly loved me. I don't want him giving this disgusting disease to anyone else. -- HURT AND MAD IN OKEMOS, MICH.
DEAR H. AND M.: I suspect you have a valid legal case, but law is out of my area of expertise, so talk to an attorney.