DEAR ABBY: My nephew is being married in a few months and has asked my 7-year-old daughter, "Shelley," to be the flower girl in his wedding. He is her godfather.
I also have a 5-year-old daughter, "Ruthie." My wife thinks it is unfair that Ruthie wasn't asked to be in the wedding because "it's every little girl's dream" to be a flower girl. The truth is, Ruthie did not feel slighted in the least when she heard Shelley was asked. However, my wife, her mother, two sisters and a couple of her friends think it is wrong and mean-spirited for Ruthie not to be included.
This argument has caused a great deal of strain between my wife and me. She has even stated that rather than attending the wedding, she may stay home with Ruthie. Abby, do you think I am being an insensitive father for not telling my nephew that he must ask BOTH girls to be flower girls? -- BEWILDERED IN TEXAS
DEAR BEWILDERED: Certainly not. Being a flower girl isn't "every little girl's dream" unless someone has planted the notion. Tell your wife and the meddling in-laws to stop interfering with your nephew's wedding plans. If your wife prefers to stay home with your 5-year-old, that's her choice.