DEAR ABBY: After many years of part-time college classes squeezed in between working and parenting our children, finally at age 42, I have earned my bachelor's degree. I skipped the traditional graduation activities, such as the commencement exercise, but I did order announcements to send to close friends and relatives.
My husband said I shouldn't send announcements. He views them as bids for gifts, which he thinks are for 20-somethings just starting out in adult life.
Abby, I mailed the announcements anyway. Some people did respond with gifts, none of which were inappropriate or overly expensive. Others brought bottles of wine to our party to celebrate my accomplishment. However, I would still like to know if announcements for mature graduates are in poor taste. -- PROUD "OLDER" GRADUATE
DEAR GRADUATE: Announcements of accomplishments such as obtaining one's degree are not in poor taste. It's never too late to celebrate becoming the person you want to be. Just because it took you longer to get your degree than those who were fortunate enough to study full-time, no one should minimize your hard work.
Congratulations on your tenacity and your degree. You are a role model for your children and other adults.