DEAR ABBY: You've published letters from wives complaining about their husbands. You should know that there are also husbands who put up with verbally abusive wives.
I make close to a six-figure salary, but my wife isn't satisfied. She complains because many of our friends and neighbors make more.
My wife works, but believes she should spend all she earns on herself. Would it hurt her to pay for some of our children's school clothes or contribute to their school tuition, instead of me selling company stock?
She's forgotten what intimacy is. I send her flowers and take her to nice places for dinner. I don't even get a goodnight kiss.
I work 10 to 12 hours a day and still manage to wash the clothes, do the dishes and put everything away. She complains she doesn't have enough help around the house.
I buy her thoughtful presents. She gives me gift certificates from video stores.
What my wife doesn't know is that when the kids are out of college, this provider will be history! -- IDEAL HUSBAND IN CALIFORNIA
DEAR IDEAL: Why keep it a secret? If you tell your wife now, it's possible the two of you can save your relationship with marriage counseling. A mediator might be able to convince her to make a drastic attitude adjustment. It's worth a try. If it doesn't work, you'll be free sooner rather than later.