DEAR ABBY: I am in my mid-20s and have found the perfect man. We are very much in love and have discussed marriage. We are sexually active and responsible about using birth control.
A week and a half ago, my period was noticeably late. I voiced my concerns to "Bob." He assured me everything would be fine and tried to console me; however, he never said anything about marrying me if I was pregnant. It turned out to be a false alarm.
Last night, Bob told me he needed "space"; that there are things he needs to accomplish in life before getting married. He said his decision had nothing to do with me and that he still loves me very much. I find it too coincidental that this change came about only a week after my possible pregnancy. We talked it over and ended our relationship.
Abby, I couldn't bear the thought of being with a man who is capable of running away from his responsibility. I, too, have things I'd like to accomplish in life, but I would have liked to achieve them with Bob by my side. Do you think I made the right decision to end it, or did I overreact? -- AT A LOSS IN ATLANTA
DEAR AT A LOSS: Overreact? Not at all. Your false alarm made your "perfect man" show his true colors.