DEAR ABBY: Finding "pennies from heaven" has always been a pastime in our family, especially since Granny died three summers ago. Spotting shiny pennies in store parking lots and on the field before soccer games makes us realize that Granny is with us in spirit during those games and shopping excursions. The pennies are a comforting reminder that she is close.
A most unusual incident occurred a few days before our last holiday: I was rushing around, feeling unusually overwhelmed about getting the family ready for our big car trip. As the day wore on, I became more and more uptight. I was tired, cranky, and my shoes were suddenly too tight.
As I removed my sandals, I discovered a shiny penny wedged between my sandal strap and the top of my foot! Now really, wouldn't I have felt it there before that? And how in the world did it get there?
Methinks Granny was trying to tell me to slow down -- that everything was going to fall into place and not to let it get to me. In fact, we had a wonderful holiday, and I'm sure dear Granny was at every stop we made. -- S. KLASSEN, PRINCE ALBERT, SASKATCHEWAN, CANADA
DEAR S. KLASSEN: Your experience gives new meaning to the phrase "running into money."