DEAR ABBY: Here's my "Locked in the Loo" story: As a police officer patrolling the streets, I sometimes had to use public restrooms. On one occasion, I went to a friend's business to attend to the call of nature. To get to the restroom, I had to walk through the showroom, office area, warehouse and garage. When I tried to leave the restroom, the door wouldn't open.
I didn't have the luxury of having a window through which to escape. I yelled and banged on the door, but got no response. Having no other choice, I used my portable police radio to ask the dispatcher to call the business and inform them of my plight. There was no immediate response from the dispatcher. When he did respond, I heard loud laughter in the background.
I knew immediately when my friend at the store received the phone call because I could hear howls of laughter coming from the showroom.
This happened more than 20 years ago. I'm sure that when the citizens of that fine city read this in your column, they will have another good laugh since everyone who had a police monitor heard my plea. You may use my name. -- JAMES A. OEHMKE, RETIRED TOLEDO POLICE OFFICER
DEAR JAMES: When I read your letter aloud, howls of laughter echoed throughout my office. Interesting, isn't it, how funny a predicament can be when it's happening to someone else.