DEAR ABBY: What would make a wife compromise her morals, values and ideals and allow her husband of 25-plus years to stay with her, after finding out that he was a raging Casanova? This lady, after confrontation by his lover, found out that her husband has had multiple affairs that began not long after they were married. Now she is subjecting herself not only to disease, but to public humiliation.
That cat must be a humdinger -- because not only does she condone his behavior, so do his girlfriends. Abby, she is an intelligent and good-looking woman. -- A CURIOUS FRIEND
DEAR CURIOUS: Perhaps your friend likes the lifestyle to which she has become accustomed. Perhaps she loves her husband, and there are bonds between them that transcend his infidelities. No one ever really knows what ties some people together.
I find it interesting that you feel the husband's philandering is a public humiliation to his wife. It shouldn't be. Since there has been a string of infidelities throughout their more than a quarter of a century together, clearly the problem lies with him. He craves the one thing no one woman can give him -- variety.