DEAR ABBY: I am 15, and have never been very close to my parents. In fact, I haven't lived with them since I was a baby -- they were too young to raise me. They've always been "around," but they feel more like an aunt and uncle than my parents.
They are both going through a rough time. My father is going through a divorce, and my mother just found out that she has cancer. I don't know what to say to them. I love them both. The thing that scares me the most is that it doesn't faze me about the cancer. What is wrong with me? -- DISCONNECTED IN ARKANSAS
DEAR DISCONNECTED: There is nothing "wrong" with you. When someone close is diagnosed with a possible life-threatening illness, denial is a common reaction.
As to what to say to your parents during this difficult time -- no fancy speeches are necessary. No one expects you to solve the problems or make the pain go away. Just tell your parents you love them. That's all they need to hear.