DEAR ABBY: I returned unexpectedly from work to find my husband and my best friend in an intimate embrace. Later my husband confirmed that he had kissed her. I have not heard from my friend since this occurred a week ago.
My question is this: Do you think I should confront her about this? My husband swears it was a one-time thing, and I guess I believe him. My friend and my husband were also friends. Over the years, I have watched them grow quite close, even to the point that I was uncomfortable with their affection.
I guess I should have been more observant, but like most women married more than 10 years, I trusted my husband completely. What a fool I was! This "one kiss" has shattered my self-confidence and damaged my marriage, not to mention that I have lost a friendship that spanned my entire married life.
I want to believe my husband, but I also want to know if I am living a lie or if this marriage is worth saving. She may be the answer. What should I do? -- BETRAYED AND FRIENDLESS, NORFOLK, VA.
DEAR BETRAYED: By all means have a heart-to-heart chat with your former best friend. It might be helpful to hear what she has to say. Keep in mind, however, that if she's in love with your husband, she could try to use the conversation to sabotage your marriage.
Whether or not your marriage is worth saving can best be determined through counseling with your husband. It will take effort on the part of both of you, but other marriages have weathered this kind of storm and have emerged stronger than ever.