DEAR ABBY: I have noticed that the majority of automobile commercials on TV today show speeding cars. One in particular shows two ladies in sport utility vehicles racing over curbs and bumps to win a race to a parking place. This is portrayed as something good and fun you can do when you drive a brand-new SUV. Another commercial portrays someone leaving his workplace and racing down a twisting road to unwind. On and on it goes with advertised cars speeding across the screen.
These commercials, and many others like them, imply that the better car is the "faster" car, and that it's cool and enjoyable to drive in this manner.
Abby, what is this teaching new drivers? Don't these commercials promote reckless driving? -- VALERIE S. RIVARD, MANCELONA, MICH.
DEAR VALERIE: Mature drivers (of any age) realize that obeying the speed limit is the best way to promote wreck-less driving. While it's obvious the advertisers are implying that speed is desirable and thrilling, I agree that an unintended subliminal message is that reckless driving is acceptable. That's dangerous and irresponsible.