DEAR ABBY: This afternoon I read your column in which "Christine in Midlothian, Va." described an incident involving her drink being spiked with GHB at a neighborhood bar. She acknowledged her gratitude to Andrew and Chris for rescuing her from what could have been a possible date-rape situation.
In a different section of the same newspaper, I read a frightening article. Beside it was a photograph of a beautiful woman with a grief-stricken expression. She was the mother of a 15-year-old girl who died after her soft drink was spiked with GHB at a party. A soft drink, Abby!
The article stated that there have been at least 58 GHB-related deaths and 5,700 overdoses nationwide. While your answer seemed to focus more on not leaving a drink unattended at a bar, we also have to worry about soft drinks at private parties -- parties our teen-agers attend almost every weekend.
Please warn parents to talk to their daughters about this terrible act that could be perpetrated on them -- and how common it has become. It is also imperative for parents to talk to their SONS and let them know this kind of thing is serious and much more harmful than they realize. This is not a "boys will be boys" thing. This is rape; this is murder!
Andrew and Chris, the young men who saved Christine from possible rape, also saved her from possible death. Their parents obviously raised them to be men of character and taught them respect for others.
Thank you, Abby, for bringing this horrific matter to the attention of your readers. Too bad someone can't take these little ticks and throw them back on the mangy mutts they jumped off of. -- DISGUSTED IN LAS VEGAS
DEAR DISGUSTED: You have written an excellent letter. Parents should, indeed, warn their children of both sexes about the danger of GHB and the other date-rape drug, Rohypnol. It is tragic that someone cannot attend a party without concern about the safety of a soft drink or the punchbowl. It's sad to say, but unless a drink is offered in a sealed container and opened personally, it should not be consumed. And it should be kept with the person at all times.
A final thought: Anyone who sees someone attempting to doctor another person's drink should warn the potential victim immediately -- and should warn the perpetrator that it's against the law. Do not remain silent; silence indicates approval, and could make the witness an accessory to the crime.