DEAR ABBY: We have a problem with relatives not knowing when a visit should end. They call on weekend afternoons to say they'll be stopping over for an hour or so. Well, the couple of hours stretch into five or six, and then it's dinnertime.
How does one "push" these uninvited guests out the door so that we can proceed with our dinner? I'm not prepared for four, five or six dinner "guests" -- nor do I feel I should be.
It has become very stressful, since these are my husband's relatives and I must watch what I say, and I don't even want these people visiting. Don't people realize how rude it is to overstay their visit? -- STEAMED IN MINNESOTA
DEAR STEAMED: I'm sure that most people realize it's rude to overstay their welcome -- but when it comes to "family," they suspend the formalities.
The next time it happens, do what many other families do. Say, "Let's order out for a pizza and split the bill!"