DEAR ABBY: My mother and I have been discussing the proper way to address an envelope to a divorced lady. I have been divorced for several years and am on very good terms with my ex-husband and his wife.
Last year, my aunt sent me a Christmas card to "Mrs. Albert Jones." It was ironic that it arrived on a day when my ex and his wife were at my house. I looked at my ex's wife and said, "This must be for you!" Knowing my aunt, we all laughed about it.
I spoke with my mother and asked her to tell her sister not to address me in that manner. I am divorced from Albert and am no longer his wife. (As a matter of fact, Mrs. Albert Jones does exist -- and it's not me!!)
This year, my aunt has at least improved a bit. She sent my Christmas card to "Mrs. Tina Smith." I again spoke with my mother and told her that since I have been divorced for several years, I do not consider myself a "Mrs." My mother replied that it is still proper to address a divorced woman as "Mrs." I do not believe this is correct. I explained to my mother that in the case of a death, the wife could continue to use her husband's name -- but not in the case of a divorce. Which one of us is right, Abby? -- TINA IN ORLANDO, FLA.
DEAR TINA: Your mother is correct. A divorced woman may take back her maiden name (Miss Jane Smith), or she may properly be addressed as Mrs. first name plus her husband's last name (Mrs. Jane Jones).