DEAR ABBY: Here we go again. Besides being disrespectful, could it be construed as sexual harassment when a business establishment that caters to men and women hangs a calendar depicting nude or almost nude women in a conspicuous place?
My husband has one of those calendars in his office in a white-collar business that is patronized by male and female clients.
When I or my daughter, adult sons, grandson or granddaughters go to an auto repair shop, gas station or tire shop that displays girlie calendars, I am embarrassed and offended. My company has seminars regarding sexual harassment, and we are informed that this is a form of it. I do not allow it in my office. It is disrespectful, and I don't want to be part of a lawsuit.
Please don't get me wrong, Abby. There is nothing wrong with nudity -- it just doesn't belong in a public place. -- OFFENDED IN PALATINE, ILL.
DEAR OFFENDED: It may be in poor taste, but it is not against the law. As a member of the public, you are free to take your business elsewhere if the "calendar art" offends you. However, if you had to WORK in that environment, and if there was also demeaning conduct that was severe and pervasive, it might be considered sexual harassment.