DEAR ABBY: Around Christmas, my wife, our daughter and son and I visited family in Baltimore. One day we decided to take the children to see Santa at a mall just outside the city. It turned out to be the scariest day of our lives.
Our son is only 14 months old. All of a sudden, he started to shake, his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he stopped breathing. My wife and I went into a panic. I started to give him CPR, but I was completely shaken up.
A lady walked over and said she was a nurse, so I stepped out of her way. By the grace of God, she got him breathing again. The ambulance arrived to take our son to the hospital. When I looked around for the lady, she was MIA.
The doctors said my son had had a seizure due to a rapid rise in temperature.
It amazed us that a complete stranger would have the compassion to stop and help us. That nurse saved our son's life, and we are deeply grateful for her help. Life would be unbearable without him. We feel terrible that we weren't able to properly express our gratitude to our son's guardian angel. -- MELVIN AND JENNIFER BIDDLE, PENNSVILLE, N.J.
DEAR MELVIN AND JENNIFER: Your close call highlights the importance of parents knowing how to perform CPR and, if they have forgotten how to do it correctly, signing up for a refresher course. The Red Cross and the American Heart Association offer CPR courses, and they're as near as the telephone.
P.S. If the Good Samaritan who helped your son is a Dear Abby reader, you will have delivered your message of thanks today. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.