DEAR ABBY: Please help us deal with a problem we have with a dear aunt.
Every time my husband and I visit her, she greets us by telling us we have gained a lot of weight, then proceeds to tell us about other family members who are also gaining weight. If we dine out, she comments on the amount of food we eat. We are active, and 25 to 30 years younger than Auntie. No one in the family has gained an excessive amount of weight.
She has already noticed that some family members don't visit as often, and her remarks about their weight are the reason.
I don't want to cause hurt feelings. Should we try to talk to her or just ignore her comments? -- AUNTIE'S NIECE
DEAR AUNTIE'S NIECE: Talk to her. The time to bring it up is the next time your aunt mentions that the relatives don't visit as often as they used to. Her comments may be well-intended, but they are extremely tactless.