DEAR ABBY: My ex-wife, who continued to be a friend to my mother after our divorce, has, in my opinion, recently overstepped her bounds. On the day of my mother's funeral, my ex-wife arrived early at Mom's house and commenced to help herself to several pieces of personal property! I found out later that all of the personal property was willed to me.
Where does this kind of behavior fit in the realm of manners or etiquette -- or maybe even criminal activity? My mother had specific items listed in her will to give to certain people. -- CONFUSED IN ANCHORAGE, ALASKA
DEAR CONFUSED: The kind of behavior your ex-wife displayed does not fit into the realm of manners or etiquette, but it certainly qualifies in the category of criminal activity. Have your attorney demand (in writing) that the stolen items be returned immediately, or the police will be notified and a theft report filed.