DEAR ABBY: Last year, my husband and I retired to a small town in which our son lives. He and his wife have two children, and ever since we moved here, they frequently call to say that the children want to come over and "visit." The visits last from four to 12 hours, since they both work.
Abby, it has gotten to the point where we have no freedom anymore. They have made no provisions for a sitter this summer, so they probably expect us to keep the children whenever we are at home. How can we let them know that we are available in emergencies, but every day is getting to be too much? We don't want to hurt their feelings. -- TIRED GRANDMA IN NEBRASKA
DEAR TIRED GRANDMA: If caring for the grandchildren has become a burden, you must be honest with your children and tell them exactly what you have told me. Finding reliable day care can be time-consuming, so unless you want the children "visiting" with you all summer, the time to announce your unavailability is right now.