DEAR ABBY: Now, after the recent school shootings, I have a genuine reason to write to you to tell you just how much I disagreed with you every time you said a child's room and belongings are their private business, and parents should respect this so-called "privacy" and not snoop. BULL!
Now I no longer feel guilty for all the times I secretly "invaded" my kids' privacy by reading their diaries and going through their backpacks and purses, dresser drawers and closets, and even eavesdropping on their phone conversations. If the kids don't have anything to hide, they shouldn't need to worry. Call me a snoopy mom, but I know what my kids are up to, what their plans are and who they plan to do it with, and I no longer feel guilty whatsoever, thank you, ma'am! -- SNOOPY MOM, EDNA, TEXAS
DEAR SNOOPY MOM: Interest, or concern, is not spying. Until children reach legal age, parents are responsible for their health, education and growth. If children are overly secretive about what's going on in their lives, of course their parents will pry. If parents have a legitimate reason to question their child's honesty, it's only common sense to check. But nosiness is not a legitimate reason, especially if teens have proven by their actions that they can be trusted.