DEAR ABBY: My cousin "April" recently learned from a family member that I am pregnant. She was also told that if we have a boy, I intend to name him "Frank" after a dear uncle who passed away recently.
April immediately telephoned me and told me I couldn't name my child after our uncle because she's trying to get pregnant and intends to use the same name. She demanded I choose a different name so she could honor our uncle in this way.
Abby, April is not pregnant, and my baby is due in June. My husband was very upset by what she said, and told me never to speak to her again. My father says that when it comes to naming a baby, the first one born is the first one named.
April thinks I'm being rude and selfish by "doing this to her." My father says it doesn't matter because we live 2,000 miles apart.
Is there a tactful way to handle this without stirring up a feud with my cousin? -- IN A BIND
DEAR IN A BIND: You say in your letter "our uncle" -- however, if Cousin April is Uncle Frank's daughter, I see her point. But if Uncle Frank was her uncle, too, I see no reason why your child shouldn't be named anything you wish. If she uses the same name, the boys could be given different middle names, which would minimize confusion -- and because they live so far apart, I doubt it would inconvenience anyone. Cousin April should lighten up.