DEAR ABBY: On Sept. 8, one of the dearest men I have ever known was killed in a tragic accident. A woman trying to pick up her ringing cell phone crossed the median of the interstate and hit him head-on.
Not a day has passed that I haven't thought of the joy this man brought to my life, or how quickly that joy turned to sadness. He was not my husband, my father or even a family member. He was my boss.
Stephen T. McGill was a brilliant attorney who always tried to create a win-win situation for everyone. I can't begin to tell you how impossible he is to replace. He treated me with respect, and his praise gave me a newfound confidence in myself. His kindness, compassion and generosity taught me what it really means to have class. He never gave me orders or treated me as a subordinate. He referred to me as his "partner" and we worked side-by-side for two wonderful years.
If something is to be gained from the loss of this great man, I hope two lessons will be learned. First, treating others with respect is the only way to be respected by others. Second, everything we do has the potential to affect those around us. If our behavior isn't governed by the effect it has on those around us, "sorry" may not be enough to repair the damage.
We are short one hero in Nebraska. -- CAROL RUSHING, OMAHA
DEAR CAROL: You have written a heartfelt eulogy for a most remarkable man. Indeed, there are lessons to be learned from his sterling example. I have another thought: Perhaps it's time to amend the traffic laws to require drivers to pull over if they're going to use a cell phone.