DEAR ABBY: My husband and I are having a major disagreement concerning our two sons' inheritance. When we die, our sons will inherit everything 50-50, with the exception of our family business, which is worth a considerable amount of money. My husband has already turned the business over to our eldest son, "Donald." My husband feels that Donald has earned this because "he stayed with us." Donald and his family have enjoyed a very prosperous life because of the family business.
"Steve," our younger son, started his own business in a different field. He has always struggled, and his family has never known the same level of comfort as Donald's. This troubles me.
I am trying to convince my husband that we should give Steve at least part of his inheritance while we are alive. He needs the money to enlarge his business. We would never miss the money. I think it's fair, but my husband refuses to let Steve have it until we're both dead. What do you think, Abby? -- SADDENED MOTHER
DEAR SADDENED MOTHER: I see no reason to withhold the money from Steve, when to give it to him now would help him and his family.
Unless your husband can give you a valid reason, which does not include standing on ceremony, I recommend consulting with an attorney and arranging to give your struggling son a helping hand.