DEAR ABBY: Recently on a very hot day, I saw two dogs left in parked cars with the windows up. It's that time of year when people need to be reminded never to leave pets or children alone in vehicles. It could be deadly.
When riding in an air-conditioned vehicle, it's easy to forget how quickly the temperature rises once the vehicle is turned off and sitting in the sun. Even on a comfortable day, the temperature climbs quickly and becomes a hazard in only a few minutes. A quick trip to the store could be fatal.
Also, I would like to remind people that animals need shade. Doghouses in the sun do not provide the shelter pets require. It can be hotter inside the doghouse than outside. What a difference could be made by simply placing the doghouse under a shady tree. And please, provide plenty of cool, fresh water and food in clean bowls that cannot be easily tipped over. Remember, a metal bowl conducts heat and cold.
Animals have feelings just like people. Please have a little compassion, and don't keep a dog tied up in the yard day in and day out without giving it some attention.
Please be on the lookout for helpless animals that are left in these situations, and notify the owners or the proper authorities. These animals cannot defend themselves. Their lives and well-being depend on YOU.
A final thought: Please neuter or spay your cats and dogs. Neutered animals make better pets, and this would alleviate the tragedy of thousands of unwanted animals who die each year. -- AN ANIMAL LOVER, FREDERICKTOWN, OHIO
DEAR ANIMAL LOVER: Many readers will appreciate your timely reminder that pets, as well as children, are vulnerable to the heat of summer. Neither should be left unsupervised in a locked vehicle, even for a few minutes. To do so would invite tragedy.