DEAR ABBY: I had few close friends in grade school, but I did have one close confidante, "Janie" -- a girl in my class. We went on to high school together, which made the transition easier.
In my sophomore year I found a great group of friends, but Janie and I also continued our close relationship.
I'm a junior now, and a new girl I'll call Tammy has joined our group. She, too, had problems making friends when she was younger, but Janie accepts her. In fact, they share many common interests.
Tammy tells me everything the two of them do together, especially when I'm not invited to participate. I try not to let it bother me, but I must admit I'm hurt that my best friend spends so much time with Tammy instead of me. I don't want to be possessive and prevent Janie from forming new relationships, but neither do I want someone to come between my best friend and me.
Abby, Janie tells me that I'm still important to her, but I don't like feeling like second banana. I'm worried that Janie and I are slipping away from each other. -- FEELING LEFT OUT
DEAR FEELING LEFT OUT: It is not possible to "own" another person. You and Janie are growing up, and part of growing up is developing new interests and new relationships. Janie's compatibility with Tammy should not make you feel insecure. View this as an opportunity for you to branch out in new directions, and it will make you stronger and more popular.