DEAR ABBY: I live in Seattle, which is famous for its beautiful environment, lovely gardens and quiet neighborhoods -- until summertime, that is. Then out come all the ice cream trucks with their loudspeakers playing obnoxious music over and over at high volume.
I used to look forward to the peaceful summer days when I could be outside and enjoy my garden, but now all I want to do is hide inside with a stack of pillows.
Noise pollution is on the increase in our already overstimulated world. Is it any wonder that people's nerves are frayed? I also feel sorry for the drivers, who must listen to that awful noise eight hours a day. What do you think? -- ICE CREAM TRUCK HATER
DEAR ICE CREAM TRUCK HATER: Don't fight an American institution, akin to Mom and apple pie. No doubt many adults find ice cream trucks annoying; however, they have a timeless appeal to children, and I have even heard some grown-ups admit that the music takes them back to their childhood.
When you hear the truck approaching, cover your ears and observe the delighted expressions on the faces of the children gathered around it. The good humor may be contagious.