DEAR ABBY: I think it is important that we never forget the sacrifices our servicemen and women have made in order for us to enjoy our precious freedom.
The following poem was written by a dear friend of mine, Douglas Kamees, a disabled veteran who, like me, served in the armed forces so that freedom might ring in America from shore to shore. I hope you find it worth printing on Memorial Day. -- CHARLES LaMARCHE, NEWPORT NEWS, VA.
DEAR CHARLES: I'm pleased to share this fitting tribute with my readers on the traditional date for Memorial Day. Thank you for sending it.
We walk for those who no longer walk,
We speak for those whose voice is still.
We remember those with memories lost,
And we honor those who fell.
The soldiers off in foreign lands,
The sailors on foreign seas.
Marines who died in hand-to-hand
That we might all be free.
The airman who, in lofty skies,
flew bravely into wars.
The men who stayed to watch our coast,
and guard our freedom's shores.
To these brave men and women,
Give honor justly due.
Their ultimate sacrifice guaranteed
Freedom for me and you.