DEAR ABBY: My fiancee and I are getting married in early September. We are both in our early 30s and this is the first marriage for both of us. We have been planning our wedding since last fall, and everyone, including a number of out-of-state family members and guests, is looking forward to sharing this special day with us.
Last month, my stepbrother decided to get married three weeks after our wedding. This is his third marriage in 10 years. My fiancee and I are upset that he is not taking into account the conflict this presents to our family and friends -- especially those who must make more than one set of travel arrangements. We are taking our wedding day and marriage very seriously and feel my stepbrother's impulsiveness is distracting everyone.
To top it off, we are planning a long honeymoon and weren't even supposed to be in town on the day of my stepbrother's wedding. I'm afraid we'll look like the "bad guys" for not showing up at his wedding. Should I tell our guests they do not have to travel twice in one month? Should we cut our honeymoon short? -- WORRIED GROOM, NASHVILLE, TENN.
DEAR GROOM: You need not cut short your long-planned honeymoon to accommodate your stepbrother's more recent arrangements. It is up to the prospective guests to decide if they can attend two weddings in the same month. Continue with your plans and change nothing.