DEAR ABBY: I am a letter carrier. Spiders and bees and ants ... oh, my! These insects leap and fly out of mailboxes during spring and summer. Or, they are transported into my vehicle hiding between letters that I remove from mailboxes on my route.
Many people are allergic to the bites and stings, and the natural reaction to a bee in your face, or a spider on your arm, can cause traffic accidents.
Abby, please ask your readers to give mail carriers a break by putting a few mothballs loose in their mailboxes or in a clean tuna can at the back of their mailboxes to keep these insects away. The mothballs should be replaced several times during the insect season. -- BALTIMORE FAN
DEAR BALTIMORE FAN: Thanks for the handy hint. I'm sure no one is happy to reach into a mailbox to find it inhabited by insects, so your suggestion will benefit not only mail carriers, but all individuals with outdoor mailboxes.