DEAR ABBY: My friend "Elaine" has a nephew who visits her often, but every time he and his wife stay overnight, she catches them going through her dresser drawers and desk.
Elaine has always been good to them, and even loaned them her car and travel trailer for their vacation. I am incensed that they nose around in her private belongings, and she's none too happy about it either. She's always happy to see them go.
Abby, what should Elaine say to them when they want to visit again? How would you handle this? -- CURIOUS
DEAR CURIOUS: If Elaine feels obligated to entertain these nosy individuals, the least she can do to protect herself is to lock her desk and bedroom door while they are visiting.
Had I caught guests going through my personal belongings, I would have asked them to stop immediately, and guided them to another location in the house. It wouldn't happen a second time, because the next time they wanted to visit, I would tell them, "Sorry, it's not convenient at this time." And I would repeat it every time they had the nerve to ask.