DEAR ABBY: I am living with a guy (I'll call him Ron) who has an ex-wife and three kids. Whenever there is a family reunion or any kind of family gathering, Ron's ex-wife is invited. I do not like this woman and feel very uncomfortable around her.
Abby, since they have been divorced for nearly five years, she is no longer a part of Ron's family. I realize she's the mother of his children and they are a part of the family, but SHE is not. I am divorced myself. The only thing my ex and I have in common is our son, and I never get invited to his family affairs, nor do I even think about going.
What do you think about this? -- HAD IT WITH FAMILY AFFAIRS
DEAR HAD IT: Apparently Ron's ex-wife has maintained a friendlier relationship with her former family than you have with yours. Therefore, if you are going to attend reunions and other family gatherings with your live-in guy, you had better learn to tolerate her presence.