DEAR ABBY: A few nights ago, a girls' soccer team was practicing in a local field. We live in a hot, normally dry climate, but recent weather changes have made our humidity higher than usual, and very uncomfortable. Many of our players -- ages 13 and 14 -- were wearing sports bras. Sports bras are seen as outerwear and are worn by joggers, cyclists and aerobic dancers.
A parent approached some of the girls, called them "sleazy" and shamed them for their choice of apparel. While our organization has no precise rules for practice wear, we allow what our community deems acceptable. The parents of our team are standing behind our players' choices.
Abby, this vocal parent then went on to make phone calls to numerous girls' homes and chastised them over the phone. Your thoughts, please. -- ARIZONA PARENT
DEAR PARENT: The parent you described appears to be slightly unbalanced and quite intolerant. He or she was out of line to scold the girls or call them names. And telephoning them at home is even further beyond acceptable boundaries. The parents of the offended girls would have been within their rights to order the person not to bother their daughters again.
Since all the parents are standing behind their daughters' choices of attire, this "problem" may resolve itself.
If this parent views the other players' attire as harmful to his or her daughter's morals, the child may ultimately be withdrawn from the team.