DEAR ABBY: I am a sophomore in college. Last summer I met a wonderful young man. He gave me his phone number, and a week later, we went on our first date. When he asked me out for a second date, I accepted.
In the months that followed, he became the love of my life. We fell in love and I became part of his family. We found everything we had been looking for in each other. He was the first to mention marriage and having a family -- he even talked about where he'd like us to live. He promised nothing would ever come between us.
After all these promises, he just informed me that his career is his No. 1 priority now, and he doesn't have time for me. His change of heart came about abruptly, and I don't know why. I am devastated. I know there are many fish in the sea, but he's the only fish I want.
This breakup is the hardest thing I have ever had to go through. Every day I pray we'll get back together. Abby, have you any suggestions for mending a broken heart? -- BROKENHEARTED IN WAUSAU, WIS.
DEAR BROKENHEARTED: Yes. Don't sit alone and brood. Attend parties, school affairs and develop new interests. One of the most effective therapies for a broken heart is to keep busy! Avoid the "old reminders" that tend to make you moody and broody, such as "your" song.
Get rid of the photographs of you with him -- as well as any souvenirs or gifts he gave you.
Once a relationship is over, all of the note-writing, phoning or conniving will not help your cause. Don't ask a mutual friend to help you "get him back." It will only make you appear foolish.
Chalk this up to experience. There is no growth without some pain. And remember, it only hurts for a little while.