DEAR ABBY: This letter is in response to your answer to "Sad in the Midwest." She had purchased a piece of jewelry for her closest friend after receiving some money from an inheritance. The friend wore the jewelry only occasionally, so "Sad in the Midwest" wanted to buy the jewelry back.
I don't think she should request the jewelry back. When I receive a piece of jewelry, I treasure it so much that I wear it only on special occasions because I am afraid of losing it.
My mother-in-law has hurt my feelings in the past because I'm reluctant to wear my better jewelry often, but I feel I have a valid point. Maybe "Sad in the Midwest's" friend feels the same way. -- TEXAS LIL
DEAR TEXAS LIL: Thank you for the input. Many other readers also disagreed with my answer. Read on:
DEAR ABBY: I can hardly believe the advice you gave "Sad in the Midwest" to offer to buy back the jewelry she originally gave her friend as a gift. Although "Sad" may have seen her friend wear the jewelry only three times, it does not mean her friend has not worn the piece of jewelry in her absence. Nor does it suggest her friend does not appreciate or cherish the gift.
When you give people a gift, it is theirs to do with as they wish; surely she does not expect her to wear it every day. For her to offer to buy the jewelry from her friend is declasse. If "Sad" liked the piece of jewelry as much as she indicates, she should have bought it for herself. I would suggest that instead of offering to buy it, she ask her friend if she can borrow the piece and have it copied by a jeweler. -- MICHELLE M. HURLEY, COLUMBIA, S.C.
DEAR MICHELLE: Mea culpa! How do you say, "Your solution was better than mine" in Latin?