DEAR ABBY: I literally bumped into a very good-looking guy (I'll call him TLC) at the corner grocery store one afternoon last February. We hit it off from the moment we met. After a few dates, I asked him to move in with me and he accepted.
I own the home that we share and I'm financially stable. I don't need a roommate to meet my financial obligations. I pay the mortgage and TLC buys the groceries.
Things went well for a couple of months; then he lost his job and has been self-employed since, although his work is not steady.
Lately TLC has become very temperamental. We haven't been intimate since July. He says he feels inadequate because he isn't "part" of the household, yet he rarely follows through on chores he has promised to do. He also has a very annoying habit of changing his mind at the last minute when we've made social or travel plans.
Abby, I am very happy with my job and enjoy life in general, but this man's temperament and indifference to sex are driving me crazy.
We talk, but so far haven't resolved any issues. I've suggested counseling, but he's not interested.
Should I tell him to hit the road? -- NO TLC IN SAN FRANCISCO
DEAR NO TLC: It seems to me that you are giving far more than you are getting from this arrangement.
You are not married to this man, and nowhere do you say that you love him. Pack his bags and present him with a road map.