DEAR READERS: I recently printed a letter from a woman who was having a heated discussion with her husband about whether a person should vote for him (or her) self. I responded in part: "I'd be interested in hearing from those who have run for public office and how they cast their ballots." Yesterday, I printed letters from candidates who did NOT vote for themselves. Today we'll hear from some who DID:
DEAR ABBY: During a political campaign, a candidate spends a great deal of time and effort working to convince voters that he or she is the best person seeking that office. By election day, the winning candidate will earn the confidence of the electorate only if he first has the courage of his convictions. To vote for one's opponent would be, in a sense, a breach of faith with the candidate's constituents.
I have had the honor of representing part of Fairfax County in the Virginia House of Delegates for three terms. Every time I enter the voting booth and see my name listed as a candidate, I am humbled by the experience. However, I am confident in my ability to serve, and always vote accordingly. -- JAY O'BRIEN, R-FAIRFAX COUNTY