DEAR ABBY: In reference to the letter from "Ignored Mother," who received no cards, gifts or telephone calls on Mother's Day:
I, too, received no such recognition on Mother's Day. I have two sons and two daughters-in-law between the ages of 35 and 40. One son has not recognized Mother's Day since he was in grade school. The other son and his wife occasionally send a card or telephone me -- but not this year. However, it's OK with me.
The older son lives 1,200 miles away, and he has picked up my deductible on Medicare hospitalization. He and his wife, whom I couldn't love more if she were my own child, phone me every week. They frequently send me little gifts and pay for my costly medication.
The other son lives next door to me. I am unable to drive, so he takes me shopping on the one day he has free from work. He comes running when I need things done that I can't do myself. (He even put a new roof on my house a few years ago.)
Who needs Mother's Day? -- MARGARET C. SMITH, NORTH FORT MYERS, FLA.
DEAR MARGARET SMITH: Obviously you don't. However, the royal treatment you receive from your children did not just happen. They learned the joy of giving at their mother's knee.