DEAR ABBY: My ladyfriend and I would like to get married (we are both 70 years old). However, as a widow she gets a pension from her deceased husband's former employer, which indicates her pension will stop if she remarries.
A friend of mine says that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled some years ago that this type of restriction is no longer valid. Is this correct? -- E.A.H. IN POMPANO BEACH, FLA.
DEAR E.A.H.: I am not permitted to practice law in Florida -- or any other state. However, I checked with my legal experts who informed me that most pension plans are covered by ERISA (the Employee Retirement Income Security Act). The pension administrator for the deceased husband's company can verify for your ladyfriend whether or not her pension is covered by ERISA. If it is, then that provision is not valid.
If the pension is not covered, she should check with a Florida lawyer who is an expert in pension law.