DEAR ABBY: After reading the letter from the girl who got stuck with the $155 bridesmaid dress, I had to write.
When I was young (too young), I got engaged to a man I hadn't known very long. My parents were paying for the wedding and the attendants were paying for their own gowns and tuxedo rentals.
During the month before the wedding, my fiance began to show his true colors. He drank heavily and became physically and verbally abusive. I knew I should have called the wedding off, but I was worried about all the money my parents were spending on the wedding, so I foolishly kept quiet and went through with it. Big mistake!
Two years later, when I finally got the courage to leave him, my friends and family told they would not have minded losing the money if it saved me from the hell I endured while being married to this abusive man.
Real friends forgive each other. -- MINNEAPOLIS
DEAR MINNEAPOLIS: Thank you for a letter that may save many women from making the mistake you made. This also applies to men. If either the bride or groom has second thoughts about their feelings, it would be far better to call the wedding off. While it may cause the other party to be upset, in the long run, it would be far better for all concerned.