DEAR ABBY: My husband and I celebrated our eighth wedding anniversary recently. He is 70 and I am 56. He had been married for many years and was a widower when we met. I had never been married. Abby, I lived 48 years without a husband, so I know how to appreciate the loving sweetheart I have now.
When I see letters about husbands and wives picking each other apart over trifles, I just shake my head. If they'd had to wait as long as I did, they wouldn't waste time fighting over insignificant issues like whether a toilet seat should be up or down, or whether he picked out an appropriate gift.
We may not always agree on everything, but we would never wound each other and ruin a loving marriage with harsh, cutting words. Life is too short ever to go to bed mad.
Having my husband sit across from me at dinner and sleeping next to me at night is the greatest gift I could ever ask for. I thank God for him every day, and I let him know how much he's loved. Thanks for letting me express my feelings. -- THE HAPPIEST WOMAN IN OHIO
DEAR HAPPIEST WOMAN: Thank you for a day-brightener. You and your husband must be a delight, not only to each other, but also to those around you. I hope your letter reminds couples everywhere to take a second, more appreciative look at the person sitting across the breakfast table.