DEAR ABBY: I am 23 years old and my boyfriend is 26. We are currently living in different states due to my job commitment and are maintaining our relationship via long-distance.
The other night "Clyde" called and, in the course of our conversation, mentioned that his ex-girlfriend had been in town and that she had called him. She asked him out to a movie, he accepted; they went out that evening. End of story.
He said he was telling me about this innocent date because he didn't want there to be any secrets between us. I believe that was truly his motivation for telling me, but I still think he should have let the incident go unmentioned. He is being painfully honest, and the pain is all mine. If I had a platonic date with a male friend, I would not mention it to Clyde because I think he would worry unnecessarily.
Am I off base here or is there a limit to how much unsolicited info should be shared? -- T.L.C. IN LOS ANGELES
DEAR T.L.C.: You are definitely "off base." Had Clyde not mentioned the fact that he had gone to a movie with another girl and you later heard it from someone who had seen them, you would probably wonder why he hadn't mentioned it.