DEAR ABBY: This is the first time I've ever written to you, but I have been reading "Dear Abby" since I was a teen-ager and I trust your advice.
I was married to "Harold" for 15 years. We had three children together and divorced four years ago for several reasons. The main reason was that he was unfaithful to me. I was hurt, bitter and angry because I had always been faithful to him. I never dreamed I would end up divorced, having to raise three children alone.
Now, after four years, he has had a relationship fall apart, and so have I. We have both reached the same conclusion. It is very hard to find a partner who is completely accepting of someone else's children. It makes life extremely complicated to be with someone who does not accept the full "package."
We are presently considering the possibility of dating and possibly reuniting our family. It makes a lot of sense for many reasons.
Abby, what are the chances of making a marriage work the second time around? The only one that comes to mind is Elizabeth Taylor, who married Richard Burton twice, and we all know how that ended. -- PUZZLED IN PORTLAND
DEAR PUZZLED: If there are reliable statistics on the success or failure rate of remarriages, I am not aware of them. In my opinion, the most important ingredient for a successful marriage -- in addition to love -- is for the couple to really need each other.
A word to the wise, however: Before committing yourself to another marriage to a partner who has been unfaithful in the past, make sure that whatever caused it is resolved. I recommend "couples counseling."