DEAR ABBY: When a reader asked you if Indian men were superior to white men in the art of lovemaking, you suggested that he contact the Bureau of Indian Affairs or the American Indian Movement.
As the executive director of the American Indian Movement, I feel it is my duty to respond.
For the Indian, "love" does not begin when the lights go out or when pot or liquor is consumed, and it is not confined to the bedroom or any other hidden place.
The way in which the Indian treats his wife throughout the marriage is the key to making him a superior lover. His daily acts of kindness, consideration and respect for her demonstrate his love.
While we recognize that the sex act may send man's mind afloat for a few fleeting moments, it is but a minute part of the overall act of love.
The above code of behavior plus the Indian's respect for women have been passed down from father to son. I personally have 15 children and am an Ojibway Indian.
Very truly yours, DENNIS J. BANKS
DEAR ABBY: May I answer "Ed in East Illinois," who asked: "Is it true that closely guarded tribal secrets on how to please a woman are passed down from father to son, making Indians better lovers than white men?"
First the white man took all the Indian's land and some of his women. Now they want the Indian's "love secrets." No way! The Indian needs something to call his own. -- HALF-BLOODED INDIAN
DEAR ABBY: Now I know why the Lone Ranger never got the girl. They all ended up with Jay Silverheels, that good-looking Indian who played Tonto. -- SEMINOLE IN FLORIDA
DEAR ABBY: Tell "Ed," "Yes, there are many closely guarded, secret Indian lovemaking tricks." You will notice that divorce is very rare among Indians. That's because they know how to please their women.
Secrets like the "Apache grip" and the "Kickapoo twist" will never be sold or given away by a true Indian. -- MIKE WHITEFEATHER IN SEATTLE
DEAR ABBY: In response to "Ed in East Illinois": I have lived with a Mandan Indian for five years, and I wouldn't trade him for FIVE white lovers. He is the greatest! -- LINDA IN MARYLAND
DEAR ABBY: I am one-half Indian and have had two Indian squaws, who both ran off with white men. Apparently the "closely guarded secrets" of lovemaking from the Indian side of my family were not passed on to me. -- LONELY WOLF IN HOUSTON