DEAR ABBY: My problem may seem small to some, but to me it's very important. My husband and I have been married for more than 30 years, during which time he has been a good husband and provider. He has only one fault, which really irritates me. He surely must take vitamin "I" because that's his favorite word.
When he talks about a trip we took together, he says, "When I went to Yosemite," or he'll say, "I have a grandson" or, "I own some land." He talks as though he doesn't have a wife. I may as well be dead. It makes me feel so small and insignificant. It's terribly humiliating.
Is it wrong to feel hurt about this? Don't suggest that I talk to my husband. I have, and it's done no good. -- HURT
DEAR HURT: Your husband's overdose of vitamim "I" has probably become addictive by now, but if he's a good man, he'll make a conscious effort to avoid hurting you. Remind him that vitamin "WE" is good for marriage, and ask him to leave vitamin "I" on the shelf for a while.