DEAR ABBY: A few months ago I had some plumbing done. Due to some financial troubles, I wasn't able to pay the bill within 30 days.
Yesterday I received another bill with a note from the plumber's wife, who does his bookkeeping. It read: "Jim does not expect to take this bill out in trade, so please remit!" And she signed her name.
I sent a check for the full amount and enclosed the following note: "I was not aware that your husband was in the habit of taking his bills out in trade, but if he does, I feel very sorry for you." And I signed my name.
My son saw the note from the plumber's wife to me and recommended that I take it to a lawyer and sue the woman for slander.
What would you do? -- INSULTED
DEAR INSULTED: I would send her a get-well card. She is sick. (I would also let the plumber know what kind of statements his wife is sending out with his statements.)