DEAR ABBY: I am a 61-year-old widow who is financially able to take care of myself. I have had a man in my life for the past three years. We tried living together (at my place), but it didn't work out.
Right now he is broke and unemployed, so I have been paying for all of our activities -- dinners out, trips, etc. He was just served with an eviction notice for non-payment of rent, and he wants to move in with me again. I do get lonely at times, but with him here, it would spoil my chances of finding someone else.
I feel bad for him, but he has caused his own problems. I find it difficult to say no. Abby, please give me some words of wisdom before I make a big mistake. -- FLORIDA WIDOW
DEAR WIDOW: I see nothing wrong with a woman picking up the tab if she's better able to handle it than the man. But since he has caused his own problems, that changes the betting.
Tell him, "No -- we tried living together and it didn't work." Then end the discussion before he tries to persuade you to change your mind. There is something worse than occasional loneliness, dear lady, and if you let him get his foot in the door, you'll find out what it is.