DEAR ABBY: When I read the letter in your column about calling 35- and 44-year-olds "our children," I had to smile.
Our children are 26, 27, 29, 30 and 34, and we still call them "the kids."
My husband is 59 and I am 50, and his parents always refer to us as "the kids." But what really strikes me as being funny is hearing the grandparents who are 76 and 75 years old call my in-laws "the kids."
Don't you just love it, Abby? It sounds so loving and youthful. -- MARJORIE GELLAT
DEAR MARJORIE: I more than "just love it" -- I can relate to it. My husband and I, at age 73, are still called "the kids" by his parents, who are 92 and 93 years old. And may the good Lord continue to bless that beautiful couple, Rose and Jay Phillips of Minneapolis, married 74 years ago today. Happy anniversary, Mother and Dad!