DEAR ABBY: Last year, my sister gave me a large plastic PLEASE CALL POLICE banner, which I kept in the glove compartment of my car. She said it could be a lifesaver if I ever had car trouble on the road, because I could get help without putting myself in danger by having to leave my car to seek assistance.
I took my car in for service a couple of weeks ago and had my banner folded in the glove compartment. When I went to pick up my car, the banner was gone.
When I asked my sister where she got hers, she said she had sent for it after reading a letter in your column from a woman whose car had broken down on a highway as she was rushing to the side of her critically ill child. She had placed her PLEASE CALL POLICE banner over her windshield, and it took only minutes for a state trooper to come to her aid.
I would like to replace that banner. Please tell me where I can get one. I am single and commute 300 miles every weekend. -- CHARLOTTE B., LAS VEGAS, NEV.
DEAR CHARLOTTE: Write to WCIL-BANNERS, P.O. Box 66955, Los Angeles, Calif. 90066. You will receive one PLEASE CALL POLICE banner as a premium for a $5 contribution to WCIL, and another banner with each additional $4 contribution. (Many people want two, one for the windshield and one for the rear window.)
Make your check or money order (U.S. funds only, please) payable to WCIL-BANNERS. Allow eight weeks for delivery. The Westside Center for Independent Living is a not-for-profit organization that helps disabled people live independently.