DEAR ABBY: When we bought our home up north 30 years ago, this motto was tacked to the frame of the entrance. We thought it was appropriate then, and still is now.
I thought you might want to share it with your readers. -- A.M.T. IN FLORIDA
If you are poor -- work.
If you are rich -- continue to work.
If you are happy -- keep right on working.
Idleness gives you room for doubts and fears.
If disappointments come -- work.
If sorrow overwhelms you, and loved ones seem not true -- work.
When faith falters and reason fails -- just work.
When dreams are shattered and hope seems dead -- work.
Work as if your life was in peril. It really is.
Whatever happens or matters -- work.
Work faithfully -- work with faith.
Work is the greatest material remedy available.
Work will cure both mental and physical afflictions.
-- From the "Silent Partner"
DEAR A.M.T.: Thanks for a worthwhile addition to this space. But how about all those people who are willing and eager to work, but cannot find a job?