DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: A friend of ours a few blocks over had their lawnmower stolen from their fenced in backyard not quite three weeks ago.
Last week I saw what I’m certain is the missing mower in the yard of a house at the back of my cul-de-sac.
I don’t know the people who live in the house, and although my sons go to school with their kids, they aren’t friends with them, but know who they are and that they have not the best reputation at school.
I don’t want to call the police and stir up a lot of trouble for my boys in their own neighborhood, or at school, but I also don’t want my friends to have to spend the money it will cost them to replace a mower that may not really be lost.
My son said we should just go into the people’s yard and take the mower back to my friends, but I don’t think that’s right. Do you? --- FOUND THE STOLEN MOWER
DEAR FOUND THE STOLEN MOWER: Absolutely not. You don’t say why you’re convinced the mower you saw on your neighbor’s property belongs to your friends. Isn’t it possible it’s very similar, or even the same model as the missing one, but the rightful property of the family on your street?
Your suspicions don’t give you or your son the right or the obligation to take any further action in this situation beyond letting your friends know what you saw. Then it’s up to them to pursue what they believe is the correct course.